Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Working Mom

Working mom,
you do look great,
for other things you are a shame
always ready, always on time
hidding the untiddy,
dont care a dime

do you know who I am?
do you know what are my plans
today afternoon?
the house is empty,
same here.
You would be surprised
If you knew the kind of people you made
dont blame you I just dont fit
when I talk about
the walls are there to listen,
the silence is there to listen,
to listen my voice, wich you dont treasure
to listen the sound of my hope
when you laugh of it,
none but boring

your lack of time, of patience
made me believe I screw with your life
no matter Im passing through it as a ghost
I understand, you dont need me, dont need my time
have nothing to share with me
except your misery

I understand, you wants me to be supportive
you wants me to listen at you
you wants me to cry over my shoulder
ey, there is a pet in the backyard

You cant love whats a mistery

none what I do is acomplished,
here are your words
none what I do is good enough
here is what you say

when you come home,
dont feed my body, feed my spirit...
when you come home, do nothing
is too late
too late for you to know this things
too late for me to belong your world

ey working mom,
keep doing it, great job!

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