was just a dog, my brown caramel maltes
One crazy day you were at home,
so tinny, adventurous, powerful, original
You make everyone questioning if you were a dog for real.
It was impossible not to appeal to you
surreal fur pet, yet incredible human eyes
human in every detail
flying birds haunter
snakes killer
cows biter
stunning swimmer, runner
you chased the most strangest critures
bats, cats or gooses, ducks, and chickens
More than feeding you,
More than watching you grow
it was a life sharing
I was empty but you gave me a soul for free
you protected me against all without fear
is it possible deeper affection, deeper gratitude?
You loved me beyond sacrifice, beyond death itself
You owe a place within me, and remains there everywhere I go
We hide and felt the same fears
we faced the same enemies all the time
With you I had a soul..
I had a cloud and a sun
I had a gun and a nirvana, both.
I had a place under the stars, so much close to home
I had a window and a way of paradise
was just a dog, they said
but you sacrificed your life
with this bravery of yours
and took my place in heavens book
never really could tell anyhow
thank you.
but you were just a dog
and I had to cry in silence
berry you in the bottom of this soul you gave me
and close the window
to stop looking at the landscape without you
I miss you my friend,
No one has or will never in a tousand years
keep loving me to the end.
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