the bottom is the yellow floor im standing these days
Is the yellow bubble im swimming through
I always knew my life wasnt going to be fun
but never imagine how unfortunate and senseless
giving the new day another try
I was the fish under the gravel
Never really understood
They played with me like a toy
betrayed every trust I intended to built
chasing and pushing, bulling their own kind
just kept giving my life another chance
I learned to lie and run, to hide and survive
at the edge of a borderline`s rules
They showed me to revenge and yell,
to hit and hate, to destroy without feeling guilt
and every new day I kept saying this is a new beginning
I was bouncing, they were laughing
I was crying inside, they told me that is for weak minded people
But that tears meant I was getting stronger
I used to scratch the scales over my skin to feel
To find out if I was going to wake up someday
tinny useless criture, made me feel
I was damage
and still, capable to find the energy to one more battle
just one more..
Meat for a nigthmare never ends, chasing me forever
No way out, no way in leading to my world
but the marks Im leaving behind me
opens the world bite by bite
A litle bit ahead, little by little
I was the fish under the gravel
was swimming in a kept piece of water
you made for me to last an eternity
Im reaching the end
I think I cannot thank you enough
to closing the doors and windows for me
to slaping my face and telling me
I wasnt that one you wanted
I wasnt good, I wasnt real
I wasnt supossed to happen
but I did, and I conquer
I never saw the scars until now
I had the wounds and the pain but didnt know
You wished so much I could vanished
to make your lifes happier and easier
I made your wishes come true
And now I free myelf at last.
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